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I think I have mentioned before that I have a bag problem. G wonders why I need to have so many reusable bags. I'm trying to save the world! I argue. Okay, actually I have an irrational guilt issue and if I buy too many groceries or I forget to bring a bag (which so rarely happens anymore because my purse is filled with those tiny little envirosacs that tuck into a ball with no size or weight impingements) I end up buying another reusable bag. But just think of the swirling mass of plastic in the Pacific! Think of the dolphins and sea turtles and fishes! 

Anyway, I have long coveted the Alchemy Goods bags from my local, Seattle designers who reuse cool things to make cool reusable bags. Yep, like this: 
{alchemy bag via reuseit}
I haven't bought one so far because, well I have a lot of bags and they are a little pricey but, I got one on sale. So there.

* on sale!
